Thursday, February 5, 2015

Researching and Keeping Rooted in Reality

Felt like having some more Virtuous Teas blends today while I researched the means to start the tea shop idea.  So I started with the Rooibos Creme Brule.  It was very tasty and definitely sweet, without any need for sweetening.  I did not add milk, thinking I will try it with milk tomorrow.  I really liked how smooth it was, though the Rooibos did have more particles in my brew than normal due to the size of the matter.
Rooibos (roy-bos) meaning "red bush"; scientific name Aspalathus linearis) is a broom-like member of the legume family of plants growing in South Africa's fynbos.
The generic name comes from the plant Calicotome villosa, aspalathos in Greek. This plant has very similar growth and flowers to the Rooibos plant. The specific name linearis comes from the plant's linear growing structure and needle-like leaves.
The leaves are used to make a herbal tea called Rooibos or bush tea (esp. Southern Africa). The product has been popular in Southern Africa for generations and is now consumed in many countries.
So during my tea drinking I did a lot of research about how to establish charitable retail establishments, the zoning laws, tax regulations, and the expected capital required to be able to run for at least the first six months on an established safety net.  After all of that, I am still dedicated to my dream but am working on being realistic with expectations and have decided to get a business plan and model in place, a full fledged idea and timeline for roll out of various plans and ideas, and contacts for the establishment of support systems.  With all of this in hand, I do not think 2015 is the year for this shop but I am not giving in.  I will make this, or some version of this, happen.

OH!  And I also put out a request for shop names, here are some of my favorites:
  1. NamasTEA
  2. HumaniTEA & Coffee
  3. Compassion Bistro
  4. Steep it Forward
  5. Cup of Kindness
  6. TEAmwork Cafe

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