Okay, so obviously we're seeing lots of commentary from a John Oliver and every other person that was suffering along with the rest of us not able to wake up this morning. But seriously, f**k daylight savings time. As a Spoonie on a medication schedule and a fairly strict requirement for the amount of sleep I have to get, daylight savings time is the devil. We woke up late this morning, probably because we both forgot to remind our internal clocks that some really dumb invention by some dudes worried about farming and crops were going to mess with our sleep.

So obviously got off to a slow start, or rather a fairly harried start. My body seriously disliked the "holy crap it's an hour lost" reaction and was struggling to deal with the loss of sleep and the change to the medication schedule. I brought the new Republic of Tea Turmeric and Ginger and my "best friend" Double Green Matcha, in to work. Because I was out on Friday, there were several reports I needed to get done as soon as possible, which really didn't leave me a lot of time to get readjusted to the workweek. Thankfully, I finished the entire pot of the Turmeric and Ginger tea and started to feel right about the time I was receiving several emails from my coworkers regarding random claims and of course phone issues.

I brought Toothless to work with me, it's always nice to have a soft and cuddly stuffed friend to distract me from my never ending supply of reports and work demands. Don't get me wrong I actually like my job and I like a lot of my coworkers it's just, you know the day-to-day stress of life, the universe, everything and
WORK. I'm a huge fan and proponent of midday siestas, and I could definitely go for much longer allotment of sick days and vacation.
Seriously...we need to get on that. Paid sick leave and longer (and paid) vacation time! I think we'd have a much happier workforce and maybe our economy would decide to stop taking the longest most painful dump in history...yes...I just made a potty joke. It's Monday...my humor is stunted by a lost hour. :P

So, I had been emailing several different tea companies to get samples so that I could do reviews here on this Blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Seriously, I want to promote and plug tea companies every single day on every platform available. Most of the companies that I'm getting positive responses from have been newer companies or ones that are looking to expand either, their social media reach or get the word out about the company. The companies that I got a positive, "Thank you for your interest, but we are not interested" response, have been the commercially accepted and long-standing companies that don't really have need for a social media presence because their brand is already known. Believe me, I hold absolutely no ill will to them. I understand they got their stuff down, they are carried in almost every major food store; their name is known internationally. Believe me, some nobody on the Internet with blog and crap-ton of social media accounts isn't going to really change their customer totals. I do have to say though it is a really cool thing to contact these different companies and even if they are not in the market to send me samples, the communication alone is a really interesting and fun experience. It probably is a fun experience because I don't have to involve the phone, but any time that I don't actually have to go face-to-face with somebody or speak on a telephone is a win in my book.
Anyway, in conclusion...
ALIENS*...the crazy dude from the History Channel got it all along. Daylight Saving Time is totally a dastardly plot by Aliens to try to take over the world...or at least the US and Europe. Did you know that...China abandoned daylight saving time in 1992...maybe they are in on it...
*footnote: I mean little green or grey men from outer space...cool your horses Arizona I wasn't talking about other kinds of aliens.