Thankfully I had thought about this before today, so when I was having a good day I brought my storage tub upstairs from the basement and had it sitting in the back room. I went in, got all of my pretty summer/spring dresses out and threw them on the bed while I packed all of the winter clothes. It was a nice cleanup and then while I was at it I re-filled my Aroma Dot with sandalwood essential oils, turned on the various artsy lights in the room and worked on sorting through some of the surplus stuff I had in the room. David came upstairs and chuckled as I sat in the middle of a "tornado" of things. He asked if I wanted to go out today and while I wasn't needing to, I thought it would be nice to get some time out of the house.

I went downstairs for a bit and made myself a few cups of tea, the first two cups were White Cab from +Short and Stout Tea and then Mrs. Fahrenheit from +Tea Hugger. Both were delicious and gave me the nice pep to also work on tidying up the altar room. I cleaned each of the statues, fixed up the table of sage leaves, lit some candles and incense. I relaxed, having a few annoying stabs while working in my room and in the altar room, but I pushed through it.
When we went out, we stopped at Michael's Craftstore and then BAM! (Books A Million). We went to Weis for taco fixings and then went home. While we were out I was having a hard time staying focused and I was going in and out of "awareness" we tried to make our trips short but David was also very understanding when I was walking aimlessly through the store looking at EVERYTHING. LOL. He certainly is trying for the husband of the year award.
Other than the random fibro silliness, David and I had a nice time being out. As always though, we were very happy to get home and just spend a quiet night in. I am having a cup of Dream tea from +One Good Woman. I worked on setting up David's Etsy store for his artwork and set up seven listings. Now bedtime. YAY!
Sleep well all and tons of happy hugs.