I generally suck at doing things half-way, I'm usually an all or nothing kind of person. So when I started tea blogging I was posting a few blog posts a day, I was writing any thought I felt was worth putting down on the page and I was unapologetically issuing word vomit forth. My use of the phrase "word vomit" isn't so much an ethical or quality assessment of the entries themselves, I actually think I was posting some good things. What happened though was that I was stressing myself out trying to find something to post, I wasn't just posting when I found a worthy topic, I was thinking any random thought that came to my mind was needed. I was also measuring my output by the amount of the page taken up or how many photos I included. I was making myself sick by trying to make myself better. I am still drinking tea every day and I am still happily trying new flavors out but I have taken a step back from the dedicated blog posts every day. I am coming back now because I want to and not because I feel an obligation to.
If you follow my FB page or my Instagram you will see that I still do random posts there, but I started to dislike posting on Blogger, probably because I wasn't feeling inspired to write rather than an obligation to write. No one should lose their voice that way. It sucks.
So...I think I have found my voice again. I will keep blogging, but I will blog when I want and not when I feel I must. So - if you still follow this blog, then I encourage you to have patience with me and to watch the various means of posting that Tea Leaf Therapy has available to it, I will post where and when I want and I hope that in doing this I will share something substantial and helpful with you or at least offer some insight or comfort. Thank you for reading this. See you again soon!
Emily, don't be discouraged that you can't blog every day. I knew before I even started blogging February 2010 I wouldn't be able to do that. I decided I'd blog once a week and have managed to do it, but sometimes just barely, and only by keeping a few posts ahead so that on busy (or ill) weeks I have something ready to go. I figure nobody wants to visit anybody's blog every day anyway, right? I occasionally write about tea, too, because I love tea (black tea) and drink it several times a day (and occasionally in the middle of the night!).