Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Laughter, Happiness, and Masala Chai

So the day was absolute crap, it seemed that every little thing was poking me the wrong way, people were really grating my nerves, and not a thing I could see in the news was helping.  So I spent time between reports and doing standard supervisor work with nice Fruit & Spice tea from the local spice shop.  I took my breaks to read the Cha Tao, the Way of Tea.  I was doing my best to find my center during the preparation of my tea, pouring the tea into my Teavana cup, and stirring in sugar.  So I noticed while I was finding my calm and feeling connection with the Tao as I stirred my tea that I stir my tea anti-clockwise.
An amazingly wonderful friend, Mitzie, pointed out that this possibly has meaning as widdershins is the direction of banishment; so by subconsciously stirring in that direction I am trying to rid myself of the negative.  I personally very much like this idea.

David was wonderful and we had an impromptu date night.  Our friend, Jen, has mentioned that it was possible to make a Toothless stuffed animal at Build-A-Bear.  Being a giant HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON fan, I told David.  Now, told might be putting it gently...I giggled and danced when I told him.  I didn't even think that mean anything for tonight, but David was so sweet and made our first stop going to Build-A-Bear and buying/building a 17" stuffed Toothless!!  I was so excited and got to make a wish on the heart and seal it with a kiss and then put the heart inside Toothless!  David was wonderful and patient and put up with my need to relax and be happy at having a new baby to snuggle.  The lady that helped us was very sweet and was adorable with asking me to play along because that is part of the whole Build-A-Bear experience.
So after getting Toothless we decided to go to get delicious Indian food.  David had chicken tikka masala.  I got lamb roganjosh (which I love and is my favorite).  We had puri and tandoor naan.  David had iced tea and I (of course) ordered masala chai.  The tea was perfect and amazing, I had two cups.  When our food was brought to the table we started joking and laughing and just enjoying being on a cute date with some of our favorite food and I had a delicious cup of tea.
So over a delicious meal, a perfect cuppa, and with the most wonderful dinner partner ever ever ever, I finally calmed down from the day and enjoyed every minute of our date night.

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