Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I'm A "Tea Hugging" Hippie! YAY!*

*I would like to note that my theft of their name idea was merely in adoration, I am not affiliated with nor own any rights to the name of the company for which I am writing this review.  Best wishes to them however, they are awesome!

So, this is a picture of the +Tea Hugger samples I received the other day.  I meant to post this photo and review right away but you know how things go, you start typing or explaining something and then there is a bright shiny thing in your line of sight.  I like to call this the "ooh shiny" effect.  To be honest, it is likely just that I really wanted to give them a review they deserved and not something I whipped together when my brain was foggy or I was exhausted.  Why I have fibro fog brain now and I am exhausted beyond imagining, I have Dragon hooked up to the computer and I have been laying down drinking Tea Hugger teas since I got home.  So I'm a little bit relaxed, plus, I actually wrote things down while I was drinking the tea.  So now I'm actually able to put it into the blog. 

Okay starting out with the tea"Blush and Bashful White"...this tea is a mellow and relaxed white tea that has a soft blush when steeped.  It's an excellent gentle sweetness that I actually really enjoy from most white tees, but this one just tasted subtle enough that it really caught my interest.  +Tea Hugger says that the "tea is also forgiving if you over steep".  They aren't embellishing.  I had a meeting mid steep for my second pot and when I came back the tea was still delicious.  I added a dash of sugar just to accent the flavors a little bit more.  This isn't required.  The tea is itself a delicious flavor and able to be had without additional sweetener.
this is a picture of "Blush and Bashful White"in my favor teacup, flanked by my two robins.  I think I was trying to summon spring with this.  No idea.
The next tea that I sampled was Pearyberry, this is a Ceylon black tea with a delicious fruity taste.  Obviously, being a black tea brews up a little bit darker than the "Blush and Bashful White", but I do love Ceylon teas.  The aroma that came off this was amazing.I had two people come over to my desk while I was drinking this tea, they were very interested in the flavor, the brand, and what was in it.  So I kind of got to have an impromptu tea lesson with some of my coworkers, was really quick but it was actually very nice to have.  This is definitely going to be a tea that I purchase and keep stocked.  For anyone that really likes a bold fruity tea.  I would definitely recommend this and you should really contact Tea Hugger. (no, seriously, you should click the link)

this is a picture of the brewed up Pearyberry in my adorable pelican.  He was sad that I didn't want to share.
okay, but seriously back to teablogging, I have now had four of the TeaHuggerGSO samples, and I am beyond thrilled with the quality and taste and variety of the different blends.  "Mrs. Fahrenheit" was an awesome kick it had the punch of chili with the nice subtlety of a peppermint tea, I think I swear there were also peppercorns involved, and it was just phenomenal. I am a girl that likes chilies my chocolate, that likes extra heat in pretty much everything, that thinks that you should always pickle pickles with habaneros.  So, Tea Hugger definitely has a huge and devoted fan in me, Em the Tea Leaf Fairy.  I'll tell you all more about the fourth tea that I am currently drinking later, for now I feel like resting.  Love to you all!  I might go crazy on Pinterest tonight, feel free to check it out.

Seriously!  Check out Tea Huggers!!  They have an online shop!!!

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