Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cthulhu Has Elected Himself Mascot & We Had A ZESTY Day!

So I told you all yesterday about receiving the sample package from +Zest Tea and how I was looking forward to trying their tea today because it has "as much caffeine as coffee" and it was after 5 o'clock when I got home and opened the package.

OK!  So I took Cthulhu to work with me today...I am starting to think that Cthulhu has elected himself the Mascot (or co-mascot if Toothless has anything to say about it) for Tea Leaf Therapy.  I am ok with this and will probably continue having all my staged photos with Cthulhu and the teas I am drinking.  I never take myself too seriously and since I am a geek princess I thought I'd just keep going with life as usual.  Today was also St. Patrick's Day so I was making sure I had as much green as possible, since my office does a theme thing for holidays.

I wore a professional and tasteful green dress with black bolero and orange scarf, I couldn't find any white articles of clothing that would suit for over clothing (surprise surprise the goth hippie chick doesn't have a lot of white), so I accessorized without expecting anyone to ask what white I had on (if you understand my meaning).  Cthulhu had a shamrock necklace that I did not put on him for any photos for the blog...not sure why...

Anyway, got into work and had some staffing changes to figure out...nothing too big on my end, so I am not worried just a little more chaos in my already crazy chaotic world.

I was REALLY excited to start with the +Zest Tea Pomegranate Mojito Green Tea, being that was one of the teas I was very much wanting to try.  The Pomegranate Mojito Green Tea was DELICIOUS!  It was smooth and tasty, the green tea was a very good blend and the pomegranate gave a delightful tart and fruit taste that didn't overpower too much.  I almost died from happiness as the aroma of the tea was exactly what you would expect from the name and YES it did taste like lime and mint!  I am a bit sad it doesn't have an alcohol content haha but hey it was great!  Cthulhu approved as well.
I usually get two and a half cups out of the PUGG teapot and that was what I was able to make and drink this morning before my first set of running around the office.  I am happy to report that whether it was in my head or they actually delivered, I had a bounce in my step and was very awake after I finished the pot.  I am willing to say that I usually am NOT a morning person and I hate being super chatty early at work and I was ok after a cup or so to actually smile and be engaging with coworkers.  Yes, I laugh at myself a lot for being a zombie in the morning.

So, after the first round of questions and paperwork filing and usual morning tasks, I decided was not going to waste any time and I needed to try the Blue Lady black tea next.  Holy wow does this tea SMELL amazing!  I was so happy after I opened the packet and got a good smell of the tea bag that this was only going to get better when I added water for the brew.

The color is a good black tea brew and the smell is just if not more tasty than the scent of the tea bag contents before water.  The tea was delectable and I am already sad it is a sample.  So it seems that +Zest Tea has a devoted customer and fan now.  If not two...but I am not sure Cthulhu really counts in that totaling.  Several of my staff members came over while I was drinking this tea and they were very interested as the aroma was very enticing.  I offered up some cups though everyone was mid-work-action so maybe tomorrow for break.

Well, to say I was very awake after about two and a half cups (making the total 5 cups of caffeinated tea) would be an understatement.  I felt good all day and I made it without a crash all the way to the end of the afternoon.  I don't want to count any companies out but besides +One Good Woman & +Tea Hugger, I think +Zest Tea is now another favorite.

Well, tonight was another quiet evening with David in the studio and the cats all deciding to join us.  It is a nice laid back night and I am thinking of turning in early(ish).  Good night all and I hope you have pleasant dreams (may your saving throws always roll above the DC).

1 comment:

  1. I feel a great amount of envy for your Cthulhu plush, I think if I ever get around to getting one it would replace my Minecraft spider as my go to favorite!
