I didn't have most of my teas today. I mixed together a blend of raspberry black tea and forest berry black tea from +Adagio Teas early in the morning. When the day started to get more insane and I needed cobwebs forcefully evicted from my brain, I ended up drinking my own mix or a "poor-man's" version of Dirty Chai...
"Dirty Chai is a popular coffeeshop drink. It's an espresso drink made of a shot of espresso mixed into a 'chai tea' (or masala chai). It's usually made with a chai concentrate, steamed milk and a single shot of espresso." - excerpt from About.com article.

So, some redemption to the day though I could not eat most of the pies because of the additives and crusts having gluten, so I bought a Strawberry pie and just scraped the strawberries and goo off the crust and ate the strawberries. YAY SOLUTIONS! I am not suffering from Celiac's (THANKYOU!) so I can cut corners like that. I usually eat minimal amounts of gluten in a week, so my system doesn't go completely haywire but not nearly the amount I used to eat. I have noticed a small difference in my joints, though it could be psychosomatic. I don't hold the 100% no gluten life because I just am horrible at 100% denial of things unless absolutely medically necessary.
I am looking forward to the weekend. No Pathfinder gaming tonight but we might play boardgames or something else at the house. David and I have plans tomorrow morning and afternoon, hopefully I am having an ok day so we can venture over to a friend's house for a PI Day Extravaganza. YAY!
OK, maybe more later. For now, getting the last of the office work done before 5pm.
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