Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sleepy Saturday

Today was a lazy day.  Probably good because our heater decided to stop working properly sometime last night.  We only realized it today when it was so bloody cold in the house.  I had planned on sleeping in today but since the meds and possibly the fibro itself causes an issue with my ability to regulate my body temperature, David told me I had to stay in the room with a heater on.  So, I stayed in bed with a room heater on and my hot-pad turned up.  David was working down in the kitchen making meat sauce and tortellini for a LARP party he is attending tonight, with the oven on for added heat.  So I slept a lot of the day away and then made myself a pot of the Elsa tea blend.  The Elsa blend was tasty, the scent of the blend is a bit overpowering but the blend mellowed out in the boiling water.  I'm not sure I'd be up for buying this blend again though.  Not any fault of Adagio or even the nice girl who created the blend.  All of the fandom blends from this Adagio blend creator, specifically the Disney Princess blends, seem to be very heavy on aroma in the tin and there is something about overly intense aromas that actually keeps me from enjoying some things.  That aside, I hate wasting anything and since it didn't make me ill, I drank the whole pot while watching some TV shows.  After about 2pm, Rich got the heater working, thanks to a LARP friend of ours, Dan.

After the heater got fixed, I took a shower and ran downstairs to say "I love you" to my husband when he needed to head out to his party.  I made another pot of tea, the Spiced Apple Chai this time.  I ran back upstairs and turned on Hulu, I wanted to get caught up on Constantine.  I absolutely love this show and since I love the Hellblazer comics, it's wonderful.  I got to the end of the most recent show and now I need a new pot of tea.  Apparently this is a day full of tea drinking - YAY!!!

Funny, I posted on FB almost in jest that I wanted to have a tea party as one of my big NPC's from the Alliance LARP Gettysburg chapter and everyone seemed very jazzed by that idea.  Maybe this is actually something I should do.  I wonder if I should create some teas inspired by our game and then bring them along.  LOL, that would be a hoot.  Might need to start working on creating and testing those blends...look out world...not only is Emily into plot writing she's now into tea blend creating. Tremble, it's ok, I would too.

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