Monday, January 12, 2015

Why Blog About Tea? Why Tea? How Is Tea Therapy?

Okay, let us start with the first question "why blog about tea?",  Well that is actually fairly simple.  I'm a forty hour workweek woman living with a chronic illness.  My chronic illness is fueled or made worse by stress, and working in "corporate America" I need to be able to live with the day-to-day stress of work while de-stressing enough that my condition is not worsened.  One of the best ways I've found to do this is to sit down with a good cup of tea. And then I thought..."why not figure a way to enjoy tea, share my ideas, and maybe drink some different teas..." also I have some awesome friends that suggested blogging.

So that leads to the next question, "why tea?".  This goes back to my undergrad years at Mount Holyoke College, where I was privileged enough to be able to study Zen and Japanese culture with Tadanori Yamashita and his wife, Nobue Socho Yamashita.  In this period, I was able to participate in Japanese tea ceremony.  It was during this time that I learned my deep appreciation for the Zen of tea. I studied and practiced meditation and ceremony that helped me realize a way to calm my mind and reestablish a balance in my body.  Since that time, I have found that when I really need to center myself or when I really need to have a moment of no-thought, tea is still that way to find peace, or even just a moment of relaxation.

So now, when I find myself caught up in the day-to-day stresses of the working world or the day-to-day stresses of adulthood, money, house, relationship, family, friends; I know that I can sit down with a good cup of tea to relax.  Having fairly difficult to treat or even completely understand chronic illness makes me look to ways that I can regulate my own body so that I'm not relying on medications only, and I am making sure in some way that I'm not making my symptoms worse

The beauty of tea is that dependent on my mood, the situation, and even a passing thought, there is an available flavor that I can find to help me recenter.

The above at least gives you a glimpse or a brief explanation of how I perceive tea to be a therapy.  Obviously this is in no way stating that you should substitute medicines necessary to treat illness with tea, but if you're looking for ways to find a way to facilitate inner peace, or just a period of no-thought, then tea might be an answer for you.

With this blog I plan on reviewing various teas, different brands, loose leaf versus bag, and a lot of other ways to enjoy a good cuppa.  I hope you'll join me and enjoy this journey, maybe contribute or even comment with feedback.

Many Blessings and "May the Tea Be with You" :)

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